- Shell Style guide
- ShellCheck => finds bugs in your shell scripts
- Match command-line arguments to their help text => explainshell
- Replaces last digit of given software version by a ‘x’:
echo "5.6.3" | grep -Eoh "[0-9+\.]+\." | xargs -I % echo "%x"
- Converts all files to Unix line endings:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 dos2unix
- Kills all occurency of searched entry:
ps aw | grep <pgm> | grep -v 'grep' | cut -d '?' -f1 | xargs kill -9
- To create a compressed file:
tar -cvzf *filename.tar.gz <directory/*>
- To extract the contents of a file:
tar -xvzf <filename.tar.gz>
- Adds execute permission for the owner of the file:
chmod u+x <file>
- List sizes of current directory recursively:
du -hs *
- Status of last command (‘0’ => OK, ‘1’ => KO):
echo $?
- Loop over array to curl:
echo -e '27037\n80709\n80730\n80710\n80731' | xargs -I % curl -s -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: my_token" "" | jq '.[].id' | xargs -I % my_command
- Recover multiple fields with jq:
jq -r '.[] | [.id, .name]'